
The Era of Prayer, Faith & Trust in God

My Dear Friends, I wanted to make these few comments while simultaneously trying to answer some of the questions that have been asked of me.

I so appreciate your prayers and support, and I’m deeply touched by the hundreds of positive emails and phone calls that I am receiving from all parts of the world. (Article # 9 – Refuges: The Holy Spirit will be forthcoming.)

I consider my mission in life, even since childhood, as always being dedicated to helping people. When the Holy Trinity and Our Lady came into my life, my mission expanded beyond what I could imagine. I am in love with God, Our Lady and our Roman Catholic Apostolic Church. I have been blessed to have received several gifts of the Holy Spirit, and my mission now is to reach out to those that seek my spiritual help. I am just an ordinary, regular man who seeks only to do the Will of God. I want to teach and freely give to you what Our Lady and the Holy Spirit have given me. These spiritual gifts do not belong to me, they belong to you. I was told to tell you to go before the Blessed Sacrament and ask that these precious gifts from God be given to you.

We are all called, not to seek authority or influence over other people, but to simply reach out in love and help spiritually as we are needed. We are all asked to be true brothers to each other.

It is my personal opinion that, in the preparation for what is coming, we have entered into an Era of Prayer, Faith and Trust in God. We must pray and trust deeply because we are in the midst of grave Spiritual Warfare.

The Armor of God

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Ephesians 6:10-16

It is very important that all us understand that each of us bears responsibility for bringing the whole world to the person of Jesus Christ. We must help Our Lady and the Holy Spirit to spread Her message of Salvation. If we stand alone with God and the whole world is against us, we are in the majority. This spiritual battle is going to be tough, but we cannot lose if we place our prayers, with faith and trust, in God.

Saint Faustina Kowalska.

The Divine Mercy painting by Adolf Hyła (1943).The Polish inscription at the bottom reads: "Jesus, I trust in You"

"I promise that the soul that will venerate this image will not perish," Jesus told Faustina, according to her diary, which has been studied and authenticated by the Church over several decades. "I also promise victory over enemies already here on earth, especially at the hour of my death. I myself will defend it as My own glory." (Diary of Faustina, 48).

The fulfillment of her prophecies are coming to pass as they took place during World War II in Europe.

Questions and Answers:

Q: Will we be led to the refuges by our angels when the time is right?

A: Our Lady has already assigned her holy angels to bring those of us who will need guidance or mobility into the Refuge. I saw holy shrines, Basilicas, small home refuges, and people being brought into the Refuges. There were also young men that went out and brought people into the Refuges.

Q: Can you please tell us where in the Hill Country is the place of Refuge, is it out in Fredericksburg TX.?

A: Although I have not been told specifically, I believe the focal point for Texas is from Fredericksburg, Texas. The Refuges will be revealed by Our Lady at the appropriate time. The Refuges in the Hill Country will be over 300+ square miles. There are some spiritual areas that I am not allowed to reveal at this time. I saw 4 large Refuges in the USA and one Large Refuge in Canada. We will know where and when 30 days prior. There will be many large Refuges throughout the World.

Q. I realize that I am nothing without Him. I want to please Him so much, yet I feel capable of nothing. How will I be able to inspire others around me during the chaotic time ahead of us if I can’t be assertive of my own personal faith?

A. Very good question. Please remember that we as human beings do not have the power in the flesh/natural world to combat evil. We must humble ourselves with a sincere heart and ask Our Lady to intercede for us through prayer. We are fighting spiritual battles that we cannot see, but are more real than battles in the natural world that we see with our eyes. I suggest visiting the Lord at the Blessed Sacrament along with intensive prayer and asking God to give you His Grace---these weapons will fight doubts and answer these tough questions.

I suggest that we do simple acts of love daily, such as, for example, sincerely smiling at everyone we encounter, and then experience the blessings that will be returned to us. We will be lifted up and will see the love of God grow within us for God is total, powerful love. If we surrender to the Holy Spirit and Our Lady with a sincere heart, they will teach us and give us the grace for our hearts to receive the blessings of faith and love.

Q: Many people don't want to think, much less hear, that we are living in a time where there is a great spiritual battle that is taking place. I feel it daily in my own life and I try my hardest not to give up on prayer or keeping my mind focused on Jesus.

A: Our Lady has appeared hundreds of times for centuries; and yet mankind turns its face from God. We as believers are called to join Our Lady in prayer to reach those whose hearts have been hardened and who refuse to listen. I believe it is Our Lady and the Holy Spirit that prompted us to come together into a World Catholic Community. . Our Lady is gathering Her children to prepare for the tribulation that is arriving----You are not walking alone.

Q. We have felt called to prepare a remnant community. We have been on quite a journey, but currently feel alone, not understood, and without resources or helpers. Yet, we feel called by God in many ways. Our shelter is not meant to be in Texas, but you offer us so much hope and make us feel that we are not alone. Please pray for us and if there is anything you can tell us to help us, please do. Thank you, we will pray for you, God bless you.

A. Our Lord is calling you on a very special journey as He is preparing others that are going through the same journey. People do not have to come to Texas; Our Lady and the Holy Spirit are preparing Large Refuges all over the world. It is amazing how so many remnants, much like pieces of cloth coming together, are preparing to complete a beautiful garment for the Bride of Jesus in readiness for His Coming. I saw many home refuges, refuges of plots of land, Basilicas, Holy Shrines and people being carried by Our Lady’s angels into the Large Refuges in different part of the world. If you look for them, you will not find them. In the "fullness of time," as God’s Plan continues to unfold, those in Jesus Christ will have a knowing of where and when to go. The message for all of God’s people, like you guys, is to help Our Lady bring the whole world to Her Son, Jesus. Be at peace, my friends; we are all being brought together as one Holy Body of Christ.

On the Mind of God and the Supernatural Protection of God

The Mind of God: Augustine and the Child at the Seashore:

One day St. Augustine was walking along the seashore, trying to figure out the Holy Trinity. He came upon a child who had dug a hole in the sand and was busy filling it with buckets of seawater.

Augustine: "What are you doing?" 
Child: "I am trying to empty the ocean into this hole." 
Augustine: "But that’s impossible!" 
Child: "No more impossible than your comprehending the Trinity."

The point of the story is that the Trinity is a mystery beyond our comprehension. It is true, even though we cannot understand how it could be true, where 'could' expresses possibility. It is a non-contradictory truth that lies beyond our mental horizon. Could there be such truths?

Who can understand the Mind of God? No human being can! Today, we are walking in terrible times, and we are all being spiritually prepared to do Spiritual Warfare. Our Lady will teach us, but we must understand that God is with us as our powerful protector.

Supernatural Protection- God’s Faithful Protection for Israel:

Arab nations surrounding Israel vowed to make the blue Mediterranean run red with the blood of Jews.

The 7 Day War:

Reports of supernatural and angelic interventions on Israel’s behalf came from both the Israelis and the Arabs. The prophet Zechariah had foretold that in the end times, God will defend Israel and send His angels to fight for and with His people. Zechariah 12:8 "In that day shall the Lord defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the House of David shall be as God, as the angel of the Lord before them."

According to all the military analysts and pundits, it was to be a lopsided match. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) consisted of 275,000 troops, compared to the 456,000 soldiers of the combined Iraqi, Syrian, Jordanian, and Egypt armies. Israel was celebrating its Independence Day when the Israeli government received word that Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser was moving heavy artillery into the Sinai Desert. Additionally, large numbers of Egyptian forces were crossing the Suez Canal into the Sinai Desert. The Egyptian government had put its army on alert for an upcoming war. Syria and Jordan, too, moved into a state of alert and announced that they would not sit by idly if Israel attacked Egypt.

An Israeli military historian recorded that during the 1973 Yom Kippur war, an Israeli soldier in the Sinai took captive an Egyptian column and led them to where the Israeli troops were. The Egyptian commander was asked why he and his men gave themselves up to the lone Israeli soldier. He responded with surprise; "One soldier? There were thousands of them." He said that as they neared the Israeli lines, the "soldiers" began disappearing. The Israeli soldier reported that he was by himself when the Egyptian commander and his men surrendered to him. He was totally unaware of the "thousands of soldiers" the Egyptian soldiers saw with him, since he himself did not see them. Psalm 91:10-11 promises that "No evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling, For He shall give his angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways."

TODAY; Hamas complains that "Israel’s God Changes the Paths of Our Rockets in Mid-Air’: The Presence of God In The Midst Of Turmoil.

Psalms 122:6 – Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. There should be no nation of Israel and history can attest to that fact. Nations rise and nations fall. Kingdoms have come and Kingdoms have been gone, yet Israel still stands even in the mist of rocket attacks from Hamas. The Arabic and Islamic world has hated Israel since the beginning of time. It is a hate unlike any other. It seems at times that the only thing that will satisfy that hate is the utter destruction of Israel.

Now, the rejection of God by the nations is beginning to have an effect on Israel. The nations have forced the hand of God to be revealed in their haste to have Israel eliminated. They have touched the apple of God’s eye. Do you not believe that God will not protect Israel from this constant bombardment by Hamas? What I find ironic about the whole thing is how Hamas claims that Israel’s God changes the intended target of the Missile. They have acknowledged the fact that God is real. The Jewish Telegraph wrote that one of the terrorists from Gaza was reported to say, when asked why they couldn’t aim their rockets more effectively, ‘We do aim them, but their God changes their path in mid-air." Why is it so hard for believers to truly see what is happening? God has protected Israel and will continue protecting Israel, while keeping the promise he made to Jacob. Genesis 28:14, Your descendants will also be like the dust of the earth, and you will spread out to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south; and in you and in your descendants shall all the families of the earth be blessed.

The Supernatural Protection of God Seen in Rosary Miracle - Safe in the Midst of Hiroshima Nuclear Blast !!

God can and does miraculously protect those consecrated to Him - especially through the Rosary - even in the midst of a powerful nuclear detonation.

Rosary Miracle at Hiroshima - August 6th, 1945

There was a home eight blocks from where the A-Bomb that went off in Hiroshima Japan. This home had a church attached to it which was completely destroyed, but the home survived, and so did the eight German Jesuit missionaries who prayed the rosary in that house faithfully every day. These men were missionaries to the Japanese people, they were non-military, but because Germany and Japan were allies during WWII, they were permitted to live and minister within Japan during the war. Not only did they all survive with relatively minor injuries, but they all lived well past that awful day with no radiation sickness, no loss of hearing, or any other visible long term defects or maladies. Naturally, they were interviewed numerous times (Fr. Schiffer, a survivor, said over 200 times) by scientists and health care people about their remarkable experience. Here is what they say: "we believe that we survived because we were living the message of Fatima. We lived and prayed the rosary daily in that home." Of course, the secular scientists are speechless and incredulous at this explanation - and they are sure there is some "real" explanation - but at the same time- over 55 years later, the scientists are still absolutely bamboozled when it comes to finding a plausible scenario to explain the missionaries unique escape from the hellish power of that bomb.

God’s Supernatural Protection of St. James Catholic Church in Medjugorje:

The people in Medjugorje believe that Our Lady protected them during Bosnia's recent bloody conflict that came within five miles of the village. The enemy destroyed other villages and massacred its people, yet Medjugorje remained safe and untouched by damage. As an example, sources say that two Russian-made MIG fighter jets were sent to destroy the village. As the pilots approached Medjugorje on a clear and cloudless day, a dense fog suddenly obstructed their vision and they were unable to drop their bombs on the target. One plane went down and the other returned to its base. It is said that the surviving pilot defected from his military unit. In another instance, one bomb fell in a field near the village but failed to explode. For a brief time, however, during the most intense time of the war, the priests at St. James moved the Blessed Sacrament to the basement of the rectory and continued to hold Mass."

Why am I sharing this with you?

I am sharing, especially with those of you that might have doubts about God’s protection, to please take a serious look at the promises and power of God. Do not place Him in a box! He is on our side, and we are all under His mighty love and protection. This is what the Refuges are all about---God’s love and protection of His people. Our Lady’s love and the Holy Spirit are preparing believers for the coming of Jesus Christ and asking us to participate with prayer, faith and trust in God.

Yours in the love of Jesus,
John Martinez, Jr.


Private Revelation:

Public revelation is binding on all Christians, but private revelation is binding only on those who receive it. The Catholic Church teaches that public revelation was completed, and therefore was concluded, with the death of the last apostle (Vatican II, Dei Verbum 4), but private revelation has continued.

Some people tend to go to one extreme or the other on private revelation; they either completely reject the concept or they consider private revelation their chief rule of faith. The original sixteenth century Protestant Reformers denied all private revelation—they had to, for all the miracles that had occurred and all the private revelations that had been received over the previous fifteen hundred years had confirmed rather than attacked the Catholic faith. The original Reformers’ actions were in direct disobedience to the binding command of the New Testament: "Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophetic utterances. Test everything; retain what is good" (1 Thess. 5:19–21).