Messages from Heaven

The Apostolic Remnant Catholic Church

“And there was a war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought his angels and prevailed not; neither was their place found anymore in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out, the old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” 
Revelation 12:7-9


Please pray and discern all that I have been given and written

Messages from God the Father and Our Lady of Guadalupe

God the Father:  My son, the world has witnessed the evil and darkness of evil that is coming from those in power (Cabal) and have embraced the evil of Lucifer. My people must understand and know that I have not abandoned the United States even though many have turned their backs to Me.   The Blessed Virgin Mary visited George Washington at Valley forge as I prepared him to become the leader of your nation. He was given a prophecy of the future of this country. He was very faithful to my Catholic Apostolic Church and converted and, on his deathbed, he received the Sacraments. He was taken to Heaven by the Blessed Virgin Mary.

All faithful prayers, in union with the Blessed Virgin Mary, have touched my heart and I will begin to separate the goats from the sheep.

I am protecting your candidate for leadership of the United States and the powers of hell will not intervene. I have chosen him to bring godly order to this country. The Cabal is causing the darkness of evil that is decaying your Nation. Continue to pray for my beloved country that was created and founded by my Love and Grace.  I am asking everyone in the entire world to come together and pray for the goodness and protection of my obedient children. Your country is connected to my Israel.

Many of the elect of my Church have taken false power and made evil changes in Rome. Many decisions that are being made in Rome are not mine, but by those that have made Lucifer their god.  A cardinal who was appointed by the Holy See has merged (his will) with Lucifer himself and is joined by other evil clergies. Their objective is to destroy My Holy Catholic Apostolic Church established by my Son Jesus and His Apostles. Their intention is to change the Mass and make it into a universal world-wide religion. They are creating a One World Religion to please all pagans and the CABAL. They have plans to remove the Presence of My Son in the Holy Eucharist and abolish Adoration.  Many of my ignorant members believe in their ignorance and follow whatever they are being told. My Holy Apostolic Church will change, and the Holy Remnant is now coming together. My misguiding faithful have been fooled and, because of their ignorance, cannot believe what is taking place in my Church by Rome.  

Many Marian apparitions are being discredited by these evil people in Rome. They are even replacing My Saints with pagan false gods as has already been done in Basilica of Saint Peter. 

The evil of these individuals is destroying my faithful servants who love My Church and its teaching of salvation. Many of my holy Cardinals, Bishops and priests are being falsely accused of heresy because they know in their hearts that what is being done by this apostacy. They have excommunicated my Holy Cardinals, Bishops, Priests and religious for preaching the truth of the love of My Holy Church. This has been planned for decades and is now taking place with lies and deception in the name of harmony. The Holy Eucharist will no longer be part of my Holy Apostolic Church. The Words of consecration of the Eucharist will be changed by the Synod controlled by Lucifer, and his diabolical followers have started the destruction of my Church. They will fail and My Remnant Church, through the Holy Spirit and the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Immaculate Heart, will triumph   

The same is taking place in all other non-Catholic churches. But Lucifer’s main target is My Holy Catholic Apostolic Church. He knows it is the TRUE CHURCH established by my Son, Jesus Christ.

The Blessed Virgin Mary has spoken in many apparitions of what currently is taking place in my Church. She has been rejected and ridiculed by these false leaders. The apparitions in Fatima, La Sallet, Garabandal, Akita, Japan and now Medjugorje are speaking to the world and those in power at the Vatican who have rejected many messages of Our Holy Blessed Mother.

My son, I am very happy with your obedience and, as My Plan is unfolding, I will bring many of my obedient servants to you for help and guidance. I will pour many holy spiritual gifts on all my children that have been obedient and have embraced me with all their hearts.  I know you have struggled for many years, and you have not wavered or lost my love and trust.

I am sending special graces to those that have heard My Word through your witness and the words and prayers of hundreds of my anointed obedient servants.  The world is living in unimaginable evil times. Evil has been fighting good and planning what is taking place. It has been very difficult for you to continue this undertaking and will be very difficult to accomplish your Mission alone. I am placing in the hearts of many who hear my Word to help you in this time of trouble. 

Many of my chosen anointed servants have answered my call as I have spoken to them. Your work of many years is beginning to give magnificent fruit. I have instructed you on how my Gospel of love will be heard in all corners of this earth and the eyes and hearts of many will be opened. Continue to seek and reach out for the conversion of souls that have been lost if their lives do not change. 

I am a merciful and loving God and do not desire any of my children to be condemned to eternal damnation. Justice will be given to all mankind at the time of The Warning so that everyone will make their own choice. 

You are my Watchman. Just as Eziquel was anointed to warn my people of the coming chastisements and darkness that was approaching. I am happy for the love you show My Israel. My son, I am changing your name, and will call you, from this day forward, “My little Israel”. You will be visited by many of my anointed ones in what will become the beginning of My Remnant Holy Apostolic Catholic Church.

When I speak through you, and you pray for my children; they are listening to My Voice in you… many conversions will take place. As they hear my voice of love and mercy, many blessings and healings will take place. The blind will see, the cripple will walk, those with deadly diseases will be healed. Many miracles will take place so that the world can no longer make excuses as to my existence. My children are suffering and in pain. I have given the same Gifts I gave you to thousands of obedient servants seeking my Love and Grace. Those that are walking in evil or darkness must have a change in their spirit. I love them and will forgive them only if they have a sincere repentance. 

Our Lady of Guadalupe:

Mis Hitos, I am very proud of you undertaking your Mission. I know you understand your role God has given you and others that He has chosen to accept His call and become His Apostles and disciples.  The chosen have become a great part of God the Father’s Great Plan for the salvation of mankind. You and the anointed Chosen cannot fully understand how great your role is in God's design. For that reason, pray, dear children, so that through prayer and actions you will be able to understand your role in God's plan. I am with you, so that you may be able to realize and experience the fullness of the Love of God. 


Reflection on the messages by John Martinez

My directive from God the Father is that I am to teach His people. I spent several years in the Catholic Seminary, but most of my teachings were given to me by Our Holy blessed Mother. I needed to study and do extensive research so that what I share makes sense to the children of God.

“My people parish due to their lack of knowledge” Hosea 4:6


Message Of Akita on 50th Anniversary Is More Timely Than Ever

The message of Akita, Japan, is all about the need for prayer, conversion, and fidelity to God’s will.

The messages of the Virgin Mary’s apparitions in Akita, Japan, are important for our time and have been a prophetic guide for many. 

According to Sr. Agnes Sasagawa, who received these messages, Our Lady conveyed several key points:

Prayer and Repentance: Our Lady emphasized the importance of prayer, especially the recitation of the Rosary, as a means of conversion and penance. She urged people to pray for the salvation of souls and to

1.    Prayer and Repentance: Our Lady emphasized the importance of prayer, especially the recitation of the Rosary, as a means of conversion and penance. She urged people to pray for the salvation of souls and to seek forgiveness for their sins.
2.    Eucharistic Devotion: Our Lady expressed her desire for increased devotion to the Eucharist. She encouraged reverence during the Mass and devotion to the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
3.    Suffering and Atonement: Our Lady revealed that the world was heading toward a time of great trial and suffering. She asked for prayers and sacrifices to mitigate the severity of these events.
4.    The Wounds of Christ: Sr. Agnes reported seeing blood flowing from the statue’s right hand, symbolizing the wounds of Christ. Our Lady indicated that this represented the offenses against Jesus and the need for reparation.
5.    The Three Days of Darkness: Our Lady warned of a future period of darkness during which people should remain indoors, pray, and trust in God’s protection. This concept is similar to other prophecies about purification or chastisement.
6.    Unity and Obedience: Our Lady stressed the importance of unity within the Church and obedience to the teachings of the Magisterium.


The actual Prophecy of Akita Japan by the Blessed Mother:

October 13, 1973, the actual anniversary of the final visions and miracle of Fatima is as follows: "As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never have seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by my Son. Each day, recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and the priests.

On October 13, Mary then warned of the impending dangers for the Church

"The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres...churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises, and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.

"The demon will be especially implacable against souls consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sadness. If sins increase in number and gravity, there will be no longer pardon for them"

"Pray the prayers of the Rosary very much. I alone am able still to save you from the calamities which approach. Those who place their confidence in me will be saved."

In 1977, Pope St. Paul VI “The tail of the devil is functioning in the disintegration of the Catholic world. The darkness of Satan has entered and spread throughout the Catholic Church even to its summit. Apostasy, loss of faith, is spreading throughout the world and into its highest levels in the Church.”


Padre Pio - Garabandal Spain 

One person who believed in the apparitions was Padre Pio. A quote from Father Pelletier in the book “Our Lady Comes to Garabandal”, page 19, says “While he was living, the same Padre Pio guaranteed the authenticity of the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin. He met Conchita at San Giovanni Rotondo. Even during the last days of his life, he talked about this to his brothers in religious life and left a personal message for the principle personage of the apparitions. “

Our Lady foretold three momentous events that would occur:

1.  A worldwide warning to be seen and felt by all (an illumination of conscience).  According to Jacinta, “the Warning is something that is first seen in the air everywhere in the world and immediately is transmitted into the interior of our souls. It will last for a very little time, but it will seem a very long time because of its effect within us.”
2.  A miraculous, permanent sign to be left at the Pines in Garabandal within 12 months of the warning.  Conchita has said that we will be able to touch it but not feel it…”it will be like smoke. You can touch it but not feel it “.
3. Our Lady, announced on June 18, 1965, was received by Conchita González alone: “As my Message of the 18th of October has not been complied with, and as it has not been made known to the world, I am telling you that this is the last one. Previously, the Cup was filling; now, it is brimming over. Many cardinals, bishops, and priests are following the road to perdition, and with them, they are taking many more souls. Even less importance is being given to the Holy Eucharist. We should turn the wrath of God away from us by our own efforts. If you ask His forgiveness with a sincere heart, He will pardon you.”

The Remnant Church:
Apostasy in the Church

The apostasy has begun- many German Bishops are conducting a Synod on the abuse scandal and over 400,000 Catholics have left the Catholic Church in Germany. The Bishops in Germany are holding their Fall Plenary Assembly, which focuses on the ongoing Synodal Path and reform in the Church.

Christianity has split into political camps, all of which to some degree reject Biblical values and practices.

Western society, once composed of nations that prided themselves on their allegiance to the Christian religion, has become thoroughly secularized.

According to prophecy, it would be a Church damaged with corruption and crippled by apostasy.

Lucifer’s objective is very foolish in trying to replace God and make himself a god. He is aware that it is impossible to come against God Almighty, but his followers of evil have been indoctrinated and convince that there is no God and that he is their god. All in position of power and wealth have eaten his lies and deception. All have one thing in common; It is their lust of greed, suppressing the poor and helpless and seeking wealth regardless of who they need to destroy by their actions. Many industrialists in every country knowingly and unknowingly have given their power to Lucifer through the CABAL to his ongoing evil plan to destroy all of mankind and make himself a god. His main objective is to take all human creatures to Hell with him. 

It began several decades in the past. Through Secret Societies of evil and mankind has been seduced and entangle by satan and his demons. It all started with the seduction of man in Eden and their sin of disobedience. It became darker and continued until the time of Noah. Mankind was completely seduced by his evil and deception as man embraced all the promises of power, greed and darkness. I was saddened by that man had embraced evil and turned away from Me. I had no other alternative than to destroy all the sins of mankind. Only a few of my chosen ones kept their love and obedience to me. 

The same sinfulness that mankind has today; has gone beyond the darkness at the time of Noah.  The entanglement of sin and the evil it produces is taken place today through Lucifer and his demonic followers. It is imminent of the Chastisement for the evil men and women in power in every nation of the world. All forms of Governments throughout the earth, the Church, various evil organizations, and wealthy evil men and women who have aligned themselves with Lucifer is coming to an end. They have taken advantage of all my children especially my innocent unborn babies who have my holy spirit in them. Many in the CABAL believe that they can and will destroy the Holy Catholic Apostolic Church established by Jesus Christ. 

The eternal punishment will be created by their own evil actions. God has been very patient and allowed man to decide their eternal life or damnation for all eternity. No one will escape for what they have sowed and will reaped what they have planted. Every living human being will be blessed or will suffer their Just Punishment for their evil they have embraced. The world is in complete darkness with sin and only God can bring light and salvation to all who have consecrated themselves to Him.

Jesus gave His life in suffering for the sin of man. He is not being given the Honor and Glory of His sacrifice.

Millions have developed hardness of their hearts and cannot feel the joy of humility, devotion, peace and love of My Son and Savior Jesu Christ and have rejected the joy of the Son of almighty God.

God the Father: “Go in peace My “little Israel”. You have much work ahead and many of My children will come and help you in your Mission.

I am holding back in response to the continuous prayers of the Blessed Virgin Mary and all of the prayers in union with Her and through Her.

May you pray for understanding and guidance from the Highest, be part of the Remnant that receives the seal of God so that you stand firm on that great day!”

I need for all of us to understand the background and the reason that God’s Holy Remnant Church is now being formed.

Part 2 will follow in our next article.

My beloved friends, please bear with me on the completion of Part -2 of this article. The Apostolic Remnant Catholic Church is being formed and I need to explain its inception and its future. I do not to bore you with this long information                                          

Your brother in Christ - John Martinez, Jr