Messages from Heaven

Refuges and the Origin of the Catholic Church

— Part 1

Jesus Reaching to His Father

God the Father

My beloved son, I am very happy and proud of your consecration and your commitment to Me. You will never forget when my Son reached out to you at St. Vincent De Paul in San Antonio. You presumed that you were dying but the opposite happened. You began your spiritual journey and much has happen since you answered My call as Jesus reached out to you. You were chosen for this significant Mission. You are to preach, teach, healing and give Glory to me throughout the four corners of the world. I have always been at your side. The Holy Spirit and Mary Most Holy have been guiding you with teachings, visions and many of my spiritual gifts.  

The greatest gift I gave to My Creation was my Son, Jesus, to save humanity from sin and restore the divine image of humanity. I sent Jesus to fulfill My divine plan to save mankind from eternal damnation.  He established My Kingdom on earth. He made known to my creation that I their God loved them.  He lived and taught mankind of My love for all my creation as their Heavenly Father. He gave His ultimate sacrifice at Calvary by offering Himself for all humanity.  He took upon Himself and paid the price for the sin of man committed against Me. He taught and offered eternal life and promised true happiness through obedience to Me, His Father. Jesus, with His twelve Apostles, established My True Church for salvation and eternal life. My Son is true love and Lord and Savior.

My people perish because of their lack of knowledge. Many are seeking a closer relationship with me. I am gathering My Army of Holy Warriors for the Times of Distress that is coming to mankind. No one will escape the affliction that is coming very soon except for My Chosen Ones and Faithful Servants who will be under my Protection and Love. Thus, the creation of My Refuges. They and their families will be present at the Second Coming of my Son Jesus. They will not experience death and will enter My New Era of Peace. You have witness and have been shown the Paradise that awaits all my Chosen.

Continue your Mission, teach, and help my Holy Leaders to learn and pass on to others what you have been given. The time is very short and what is coming will be unexpected and fast. Be at Peace my son. I love you.

Know that I am always with you. 


Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe

My Juanito. I love you my son and am very pleased with your efforts and of your supporters who are helping you with God’s Holy Family Apostolic School for Teaching and Training my children of all areas of the spiritual Realm. The need for knowledge and training is very important to everyone who seeks a deeper relationship with God. Many have questions and seek true answers in preparation for what is coming to cleanse the world of the evil of sin. You are in the midst of diabolic Spiritual Warfare. My children seek guidance and training in these spiritual atrocities that are coming. I need strong, holy spiritual leaders to pass on what they will learn from God’s sanctuary. I am interceding for your Mission, and many are being called to become part of the Lord’s home of Preparedness.

I desire that all my children walk in the Holy Spirit and project the love of God and their lives.  Their spiritual life will have an incredible change of love for Almighty God. I desire that when they surrender to the Lord, they will always be humble and give all the Glory to God. Kindness and humility are principle of all holy and spiritual ministries. Always continue to smile and bless everyone you meet or share of my Son. I want everyone to be joyful and happy as they project the love of God to their families, friends and strangers that will come to them. 

I thank you, my Juanito, for listening with your heart and soul. Pray, pray, pray and they will join you and the rest of my Chosen. Please know that I will answer all prayers asking me for help in my children’s turmoil and situation. I know everyone by name and can feel their sorrow and pain. 



Please pray and discern my comments

My Dear Friends in Jesus Christ and Our Blessed Mother. My reflection as follows is what I need to relate to you. My focus continues on the small home refuges as to how they will be moved by God’s Word and Love. 

I apologize if my comments are long but there is so much that God’s children must know and understand.

Our God is God of the impossible. Enoch did not die but walked with God straight into Heaven. Impossible? Not with Our God.

As an example of God’s goodness and love for all His children I will share on the unexplainable of God’s Will. In Genesis 5:21–26, God loves His children and desires that we speak and have conversations with Him. Enoch is a beautiful example.

Genesis 5:21–26 describes the life of Enoch, who lived for 365 years. He became the father of Methuselah and walked faithfully with God for 300 years. Enoch had other sons and daughters, and he is noted for his faithfulness to God. The passage emphasizes his unique relationship with God and his long life.

The text of the Book of Genesis says Enoch lived 365 years before he was taken by God. The text reads that Enoch "walked with God: and he was no more; for God took him" (Gen 5:21–24), which is interpreted as Enoch entering heaven alive in some Jewish and Christian traditions and interpreted differently in others.


Our Lady's House of Loreto

Angels took the House of Our Lady of Nazareth to Loreto

As I have shared in the past: Angels from God will transport your consecrated homes to the large Refuges (if He chooses). It troubles me that many conflicting versions of the Refuges are being shared amongst the faithful. People have the right to believe what they choose. All I can share is what I was shown when I was taken inside one large Refuge. The Refuges are already in existence and have been spiritually built by the Angels of God through the Holy Spirit and our Blessed Mother. This is the main reason that I share with you what I have seen and was shown by Our Lady of Grace.  

I ask that you pray and discern what has been given to me.

In the beginning I had no idea what a Refuge was until they were shown to me by Our Lady of Grace. Today I am hearing of many individuals bringing confusion and different interpretations of what they feel is being told to them by Heaven.  Again, I emphasis “Please pray and discern what you hear” Some are saying that the Refuges will be built when God finds holy men to build them. The one in Texas is 300 miles by 300 miles. It is impossible for man to build such a Refuge. I was shown 5 in the United States and 2 in Canada. I was also shown many others all over the world. Theses refuges are not small and will hold and accommodate millions of God’s children at the fullness of time. 

I am only sharing with you what I am shown and told by Our Blessed Mother.

Another example of God’s love and protection is the House of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the town of Loretto, Italy.  This home is the birthplace of the Mother of Jesus and was transported by Angels at the command of Jesus Christ. There is an often-repeated story that angels carried the Holy House from Palestine to Italy.  

Tradition holds that the Holy House arrived in Loreto on Dec. 10, 1294, after a miraculous rescue from the Holy Land as the Crusaders were driven out of Palestine at the end of the 13th century.

In 1900, the pope's physician, Joseph Lapponi, discovered documents in the Vatican archive, stating that in the 13th century a noble Byzantine family, the Angeli family, rescued "materials" from "Our Lady's House" from Muslim invaders and then had them transported to Italy for the building of a shrine.

Excavations in both Nazareth and Loreto found similar materials at both sites. The stones that make up the lower part of the walls of the Holy House in Loreto appear to have been finished with a technique particular to the Nabataeans, which was also widespread in Palestine. There are inscriptions in syncopated Greek characters with contiguous Hebrew letters that read "O Jesus Christ, Son of God," written in the same style inscribed in the Grotto in Nazareth.

Archaeologists also confirmed a tradition of Loreto that third century Christians had transformed Mary's house in Nazareth into a place of worship by building a synagogue-style church around the house. A 7th century bishop who traveled to Nazareth also noted a church built at the house where the Annunciation took place.

Catholic pilgrims have flocked to the Holy House of Loreto since the 14th century to stand inside the walls where tradition holds the Virgin Mary was born, raised, and eventually greeted by the Angel Gabriel.

In other words, if it is the actual house of Nazareth, it is where the "Word became Flesh" at the Annunciation, a point on which the history of humanity turned.

There is an often-repeated story that angels carried the Holy House from Palestine to Italy.  St. John Paul II called the Holy House of Loreto the "foremost shrine of international import dedicated to the Blessed Virgin" in 1993.

I share this with you so that you might have a better understanding of what was shown to me by our Lady as I saw Angels carrying Basilicas, Holy shrines and individual homes inside the Refuge. Again, these Refuges are already in existence and cannot be built by “sinful human beings”. They are Holy places and within each one is the Glory of God as was created for Adam and Eve. They are invisible to the naked eye and no evil can see or locate them. The Refuges are almost like Noah’s Ark but have been built by God for the millions of God’s children that will be protected and saved for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Personal Small Refuges

I have received thousands of emails and phone calls from all over the world asking me about the Refuges. Many people want to move to another state (or country) and seek the Refugees. They will not be found. At the appropriate time, they will be revealed to only those that have consecrated their lives to God and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

On my last Message and Reflection, I shared with you as to how to consecrate your home and land into God’s holy refuge of protection for what awaits mankind soon. (More on this topic to come soon…)

Learn more about the House of Loreto at: 


Jesus Praying

The Holy Roman Catholic Apostolic Church 

The Holy Roman Catholic Church (also known as the Roman Catholic Church) is the largest Christian denomination in the world, with approximately 1.4 billion followers worldwide. It traces its origins to the original Christian community founded by Jesus Christ and led by the Twelve Apostles, particularly Saint Peter. The church is in full communion with the Bishop of Rome, currently Pope Francis, and is recognized as the universal Christian Church.

The following is a great article on the origins of the Catholic Church and how it truly is the single church Christ had established.


Jesus Christ and the Founding of the Catholic Church:
The Papacy, the Bible, and the Real Presence in the Eucharist.

Read the full article at:

The Catholic Church traces its origins directly to Jesus Christ, who founded the Church in 33 AD when He appointed Saint Peter as the first Pope, thereby establishing the papal office that continues to this day. As the Church grew, it was responsible for compiling the Bible in its entirety, a process that culminated in 382 AD under Pope Damasus I. While Protestantism, a significant branch of Christianity, did not emerge until the 16th century, the Catholic Church remains rooted in the ancient teachings of Christ, including the doctrine of His real presence in the Eucharist.

Understanding the origins and the core teachings of the Catholic Church helps clarify its distinct role in Christian history and its foundational beliefs, especially regarding the papacy, the authority of Scripture, and the profound mystery of the Eucharist.

The Founding of the Catholic Church: Jesus Appoints Saint Peter

The Catholic Church holds firmly that it was founded by Jesus Christ Himself, as recorded in the Gospels. One of the key moments in this foundation is when Christ declared Peter as the head of His Church. In Matthew 16:18-19, Jesus says to Peter:

"And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven."

This passage is seen by Catholics as the moment when Christ establishes the Church on Peter, whose name means "rock," appointing him as the leader, or Pope, of the nascent Church. Peter's leadership as the first Pope is foundational to the Church's understanding of the papacy as a divinely instituted office, passed down in an unbroken line through Peter's successors.

The Catholic Church teaches that through the authority given to Peter, Jesus instituted a visible and structured Church, with the Pope as the spiritual leader of the universal Church. The Pope's role is to shepherd Christ's flock, ensure the preservation of the teachings of Jesus, and serve as the earthly representative of Christ's authority.

The Bible: A Catholic Book

Another key element of the Catholic Church's historical foundation is the Bible itself. The Bible is central to all Christian traditions, but it is important to remember that it was the Catholic Church that compiled and canonized the Bible as we know it today. The process of gathering and affirming the books of the Old and New Testaments took place over several centuries, and it was under the authority of the Church that the canon of Scripture was formalized.

In 382 AD, at the Synod of Rome, Pope Damasus I confirmed the canon of the Bible, identifying which books were divinely inspired and authoritative for Christian teaching. This list of books was reaffirmed at later Church councils, including the Councils of Hippo (393 AD) and Carthage (397 AD). These councils, guided by the Holy Spirit, discerned the books that should make up the Bible, based on their apostolic origins and consistent use in liturgical and doctrinal settings.

It's important to recognize that the Bible did not simply descend from heaven in its current" it was entrusted to the Catholic Church to gather, preserve, and interpret. The Church's role in compiling the Bible underscores the Catholic belief that Scripture and Sacred Tradition are both essential to understanding the fullness of God's revelation. While Scripture is the inspired word of God, the Church holds that Tradition helps guide the proper interpretation of the Bible through the teaching authority, or Magisterium, of the Church. 

Protestantism: A 16th Century Movement

Protestantism, which began in the 1500s, represents a break from the Catholic Church that had been the primary guardian of the Christian faith for over 1,500 years. The Protestant Reformation was initiated by figures like Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Huldrych Zwingli, who sought to reform perceived abuses within the Catholic Church. However, these reformers ultimately broke away from the Church, creating new Christian denominations.

One of the key theological disagreements between Protestant reformers and the Catholic Church was the role of Scripture and the authority of the Church. While Protestantism emphasized sola scriptura, or Scripture alone, as the basis of faith, the Catholic Church maintained that both Sacred Tradition and Scripture, interpreted by the Church's Magisterium, are necessary for a full understanding of the Christian faith.

Catholicism, with its apostolic succession, sacraments, and adherence to the teachings of Christ as passed down through the centuries, holds that the Catholic Church remains the Church that Christ founded, with an unbroken continuity from the time of the apostles.

Read the full article at:


I believe that it is very important that we acknowledge who we are, Roman Apostolic Catholics.  

This is Part I of my comments and teachings of the one of the greatest gift God has given to us. The first was His Son Jesus Christ and the second is Our Holy Catholic Apostolic Church. 

To be continued… 

Crystal City of Heaven

In Conclusion

My Friends, I invite you to become part of our Holy Family Catholic Apostolic Community.  If the Lord blessed you through these messages and reflections (or our website), please consider a charitable contribution to this ministry to ensure we can continue reaching as many people as possible.

We need your prayers and financial support to accomplish the Mission given to us.  If you cannot help, do not worry.  Just keep us in your prayers and become a part of our precious community of believers.

God bless.
John Martinez, Jr