Our Board

George Hardy

George Hardy I’m George Hardy from Alexandria, LA.  I have been married for forty years to my loving wife, Lisa, who worked as a nurse for thirty five years until her retirement. 

We have one daughter who works as an occupational therapist.  

For thirty two years I worked in sales for a  major Pharmaceutical Company and following a brief pause I began a new career in the Home Health Industry. 

I was diagnosed with cancer three years ago and took six months off from work while receiving treatments. Praise God, I am in remission. Having just completed my treatments for cancer. I was led to Medjugorje where I experienced many graces through Our Blessed Mother and Jesus. 

I attended Catholic school from K - 12 which laid a firm foundation in my faith, which has had a lasting effect on me. 

Since childhood I have had spiritual experiences that would leave me wondering what they meant. I began to read the Bible when I was eight years old and there were many scriptures that helped me to understand what was occurring. 

An ACTS brother of mine produced a film called Project Abortion, The Untold Story.  I had a dream about this documentary. I contacted him and together with a group of Christian men we created a board of Directors and we opened a Pregnancy Center in Alexandria LA called Cenla Pregnancy Center.

After the Pregnancy Center was opened my eyes were opened to see how God was working in many special ways. Carrying the cross helped to save the most innocent of God’s creation which helped bestow many graces upon me and my family. 

I continue to serve Almighty God, led by the Holy Spirit and Our Lady of Guadeloupe.

I feel as though I have been called to be an Apostle of the End Times and to be a part of the Remnant Church as Gods Salvation plan unfolds. 

George Hardy